How long has Aura Optical Systems been in business?
The company was formed in 2007. We recently celebrated our 10-year anniversary.
Where are your products manufactured?
All of our products are designed and developed in our laboratories in Fort Worth, Texas. We manufacture in 4 different countries around the globe: USA, UK, China, and Brazil.
Are your products tested and approved to industry specifications?
We have independent test reports and approvals for nearly all of our products. The exact nature of the approval will vary by product and territory around the globe. Please contact us for more information.
Are you looking for new distributors?
Yes. We are still looking to expand our sales coverage across the globe in nearly all market segments.
What is microreplication?
Microreplication is a manufacturing process by which microscopic three-dimensional structures are continuously formed into thin plastic film on a roll-to-roll basis. This technology has many applications in optics and other industries. We use this technology to form over 53,000 microprisms per square inch into our reflective sheeting.
How does a microprism function?
A microprism is simply a microscopic version of a corner-cube reflector. It reflects light on three mutually perpendicular faces to return light towards its source . . . analogous to a child throwing a ball into the corner of a room so it will bounce back towards the child.
Are your products covered by any patents?
Yes. The company owns several patents and has many pending applications around the globe. Click the link for more information. Patents
Is there any significance to the colors of the Aura Optical Systems logo?
Unfortunately, yes there is. The owner of the company is a huge fan of the Pittsburgh Steelers, so the corporate colors were designated as black and gold. The rest of us now need to hear about each game highlight every Monday during football season.